Search Examples

Rock Climbing Helmets

Find rock climbing helmets which are 20%+ off, sold through CJ or Avantlink and sort by discount descending.

Petzl Headlamps

Find Petzl Tikka and Actik headlamps by specific barcodes and filter results to products in USD.

3-Person Tents

Find all 3-Person tents which do not include the word "footprint" in the name field with a currency of USD greater than $100.

Women's Fjällräven Hoodies

Find all Women's Fjällräven Expedition Pack Down Hoodies either in USD or EUR currencies from five specific merchants.

Patagonia Trucker Hats

Find all Patagonia Trucker hats in USD with a discount of less than 40% and results ordered by price descending not from 2 specific merchants.


Datafeedr Scratchpad

Search 1,200,000,000+ affiliate products across 30+ affiliate networks and 15,000+ merchants in a single query. Or click the to see some example searches.

No Networks
No Merchants

Datafeedr Scratchpad

Thanks for checking out the Datafeedr Scratchpad!

Datafeedr has aggregated over 780,000,000 affiliate products from 30+ affiliate networks and 16,000+ retailers into a single, searchable database.

The Scratchpad lets you explore our database of products. With a single query you can search products across all of the affiliate networks and merchants we support. If you want to implement our API on your site check the Datafeedr API documentation and if you have questions feel free to contact us. We also have a selection of WordPress plugins (WooCommerce Importer, Price Comparison Sets) that integrate with our API to import affiliate products into your website.

Search Tips

Here are some tips to using the search fields. Our API supports some Search Operators.

Any Field

This field searches most of the indexed product fields. This is useful if a brand name or color exists in fields other than the brand or color field. This field is also useful when searching for EAN, UPC or GTIN barcodes.

858941006069 | 893483000229


This field searches the internal product IDs. This is useful if you want to find exact products. Separate each product ID with a comma.

4324800242849323, 2163402115769706, 7839100050072137


This field searches the product barcode fields such as EAN, UPC, GTIN, etc... This field is useful if you know the barcodes of the products want to find. Separate each barcode with a comma.

3342540827752, 3342540827707


This field searches the product name field.

patagonia down jacket mens -women


This field searches the product brand field.

patagonia | "north face" | marmot


This field searches the product description field.

"3-person" "3-season" tent


This field searches the product color field.

red | white | blue


This field searches the product size field.

small | sm | s


This field searches the product material field.

suede | leather


This field searches the product gender field.

female | woman


This field searches the product condition field.



This field searches the product category field.

womens outerwear

Network IDs

This field searches for products from specific affiliate networks based on the affiliate network ID. You can get network IDs in the "NID" column here. Separate each network ID with a comma. Place a dash (-) in front of a network ID to exclude the network from the search results.

154, 3002, 51
-335, -700

Network Name

This field searches for products from specific affiliate networks based on the affiliate network name. You can get network names in the "Network Name" column here.

belgium | france

Merchant IDs

This field searches for products from specific merchants based on the merchant ID. You can get merchant IDs in the "MID" column here. Separate each merchant ID with a comma. Place a dash (-) in front of a merchant ID to exclude the merchant from the search results.

30982, 77707, 61317, 2025
-57514, -52335

Merchant Name

This field searches for products from specific merchants based on the merchant name. You can get merchant names in the "Merchant Name" column here.



This field searches the product currency field. Currencies should be in ISO 4217 format. Separate multiple currencies with a comma.


On Sale

Search for products that are only on sale or not on sale.

In Stock

Search for products that are in stock or not in stock.

  • Yes or unknown - This will return products which are explicitly set as "in-stock" or products which have no field containing stock-related information.
  • Yes - This will only return products which are explicitly set as "in-stock".
  • No - This will only return products which are explicitly set as NOT "in-stock".

Not all products contain stock-related information. Therefore selecting "yes or unknown" is the recommended choice when you want to find products which are "in-stock".

Has Direct URL

Search for products that have a Direct URL. A Direct URL is the actual URL of the product page on the merchant's website, not an affiliate ID. This is useful when you want to send links to Skimlinks or Viglink.

Has Image

Search for products that have an image field. Some products do not have an image field. This does not prevent a products with broken images from being returned.


Search for products that have are discounted by a certain percentage. Valid values are between 1 and 99.

Regular Price

Search for products which have a regular price in a specific range. A regular price is the selling price UNLESS the product is on sale.

Sale Price

Search for products which have a sale price in a specific range. Products which are not on sale do NOT have a sale price.

Final Price

Search for products which have a final price in a specific range. A final price is the regular or sale price, whichever is lower.

Per Page

The number of products to display per page. Max: 100

Unique Fields

The allows you to reduce the number of duplicate entries based on various fields. For example, if there are 10 products with the exact same description, you can enter "description" to exclude all but one of those 10 products.

name | image
merchant_id name | description


Modify the order in which products are returned. Default: Relevancy